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At the beginning of heating, how to solve the problem that the radiator makes a noise?

The radiator at home makes a sound, which is mainly caused by uneven water flow in the radiator or the scouring of sundries. It will also make a sound when the water inflow and return volume of the radiator are not balanced. In addition, the interface between the heating system and the radiator is not smooth, the heating valves are not fully opened or the opening is too small, and the valves produce a hissing sound, causing the heating water to impact the pipe wall of the radiator and produce a noise. There are two main reasons for the sound caused by the sundries in the radiator, one is that there are residues or covers left during welding, and the other is that the impurity sand in the heating system enters the radiator and settles, which is washed by the water flow to produce sound.

1. First, close all the water inlet and return valves of the radiator, and the return valve must be closed.

2. Then open the water inlet valve, turn on the running air above the radiator for bleeding, and turn off the running air after all the air in the radiator is discharged.

3. Slowly open the return valve. Adjust it back until there is a sound, until there is no sound. If there is a sound in how to adjust the return water, turn it all on to adjust the water supply.

4. If there is still sound, just turn off one valve and adjust the other valve.

5. The principle is to balance the inlet flow and return flow of the heating, and the water balance will not impact the sundries and produce sound. When adjusting the temperature of the radiator, it is best to adjust the two valves together.

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